this made me smile yesterday |
Things that made me smile today, in order of occurrence....
- Sully's wagging tail as I opened the door for our morning walk
- my first sip of coffee on my drive to school
- cranberry walnut bread from 2nd Street Baking Co.
- my classmate's sheltie's ears: one perky, one folded
- my classmate's sheltie resting her front paws on my chest
- getting a better grade than expected on my Animal Diseases exam
- the arrival of new sizes of boxes to ship stuff in at work (sad but true...)
- Becky's and my semi-regular "idea" of the day: life-sized people decals to stick on the store's window so customers stop trying to exit through the window rather than the door
- leaving work on a Friday
- seeing Brooke and Oliver during my run on the canal bike path
- coming home from my run to Michael
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